DWS称重读码 具体实施方案 各类具体方案描述(Description for Solutions) 1、扫码+称重方案 (Scanning + Weighing) 应用于物流、快递、电商、仓储等行业对快件包裹条码/二维码及重量信息进行检测采集(To be applied to check and collect the information of bar code/QR code and weight for parcels from logistics,express,ecommerce and warehouse industrie-s etc.) 2、扫码+称重+尺寸测量方案(Scanning + Weighing + Dimensioning) 应用于物流、快递、电商、仓储等行业,对快件包裹条码/二维码、尺寸及重量信息进行检测采集(Apply to checking and collecting the information of bar code/QR code and weight for parcels from logistics,express,ecommerce and warehouse industries etc.) 3、分拣系统方案(Sorting System) 应用于物流、快递、电商与仓储等行业,对快件包裹进行分类(Apply to sort parcels from logistics,express,ecommerce and warehouse industries etc.) 4、**输送工作站(Multi-purpose WS for Conveying) 应用于加工、制造、物流、加工与制造等行业的货物输送(Apply to convey goods from logistics,express,ecommerce and warehouse,processing and manufacture industries etc.)